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Buchempfehlung/ book recommendation: The four agreements/ Die vier Versprechen

Autorenbild: AmelieAmelie

Aktualisiert: 19. Okt. 2022

I would like to start my book recommendation today with a feedback I received from a client:

Update: >1 year later. You never know what you don't know. Same here. It's only getting easier, I'm getting more and more (body)aware & just infinitely grateful that I've already been able to let go, heal & transform so much with and through Amelie Weinwurm. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your magical work & your being & I'm very much looking forward to continuing our journey together

Absolutely recommend. I am stronger than ever, Thank you

The book that a dear colleague recommended to me is mainly about words. Words towards others and ourselves. The power of a few sentences that can make you infinitely happy or plunge you into misery. What is said is like everything else that has ever been put on the internet, we are just not aware of it! You can't hack this "data" and print it out, but words imprint us deeply in the subconscious, even if we think we have forgotten them, and change our behaviour towards each other.

If you are not so interested in Toltecs, shamans, dream and fog, you can skip the first chapter, I personally enjoy reading about it.

There are of course several books on the subject, but I like this one because it is written in an original, understandable way. Everyone can and should get to grips with the content without having to look up every paragraph in the dictionary of foreign words or philosophy. There are few statements, 4 promises, which are essential for everyone and everything.

The language is not scientific but a little mystical, which should not bother you, the content is just - old!

It is about views that seem to be quite clear and self-evident, but when you read the book or listen to the audio book, many things become clearer and take on a more valuable meaning and the desire to change your behaviour in many ways.

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