Overview of the complaints I deal with regularly: ​
general chronic pain​ and inflammation
Anxiety, emotional imbalance (ADHD,.. children and adults)
Restrictions in the mobility of the supporting and musculoskeletal system
neck and shoulder problems
menstrual cramps, endometriosis
States of exhaustion, burnout, inner restlessness, concentration, decision-making problems
relationship problems
trauma work
Tension headache, migraine
chronic cold, susceptibility to infection
chronic indigestion
skin problems
Recovery after injuries, scars

support I can offer you
deal with physical and psychological pain and emotions
Self-Regulation Techniques
Making "friends" with fear and pain
To experience security within yourself to want to trust what you want
Set boundaries, have your space
Express emotions in many ways
notice your behavioral patterns
Make decisions freely involving your whole body
the wisdom in trauma, accept what happened to you and recognize what "is"
about the possibilities that lie within you
the freedom to react differently
Authenticity, what do I want, who am I
to grow beyond yourself and to use your resources properly
Creating useful routines is another form of discipline
Patterns that hold you captive
to suppress your emotions
behavior directed against you
the present drama of the past trauma
Compensate for unnoticed areas with your strengths
hindering beliefs
having to be someone else
bad routines and belief-ridden discipline
Bodywork according to the Grinberg Method is not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment.